Sky Ireland has paid Irish the Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) €54,000 to avoid prosecution for failing to put consumer references on customers’ bills as required by law.
Consumer references are defined as the numbers required to switch service provider Failure to comply is an offence . ComReg found the discrepancy after investigating complaints by some customers reporting issues with switching from Sky.
ComReg found that Sky had failed to include consumer references on customers’ online bills and some paper bills. Sky confirmed that the issue with online bills was resolved in April 2021 and the issue with paper bills was resolved in December 2022.
“Consumer references are the numbers required to switch service provider. They appear names like Universal Account Number (UAN) and Circuit Reference Number (CRN).Account number and phone number might also be consumer references as they could be required to switch service providers. Service providers should include all of consumer references on all bills”, said ComReg